Senin, 01 November 2010

Making the computer first

In 1946 the first electronic computer that has a common function are assembled and called the ENIAC (Elecronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator). ENIAC using more than 18,000 valves that take place.

In 1948 American scientists to create transistors that are smaller and cheaper to replace the valve.

Year 1959 was created silicon chip / microchip about the size of human nails which can contain thousands of transistors. Finally, the engineers at Intel company assemble a complete computer with only 1 piece of chip called a microprocessor. Microprocessor is the brain of personal computers.

First inventor Charles Babbage was an expert in mathematics in 1822, but further development is not separated from the service of the inventors of the next generation.

Who are the next inventor of them is:>>>>

Charles Babbage in 1822, with a brilliant idea mendciptakan a tool that can assist humans in performing complex calculations. The engine is not completed at this time is in London Museum of Science. From here begins the embryo of a computer.

In 1937 Dr. John V Atanasoff and Clifford Berry designed the first electronic digital computer. By the name of ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer). ABC just can compute added and less.

In 1943 During World War 2, British scientist named Alan Turing electronic computer designed specifically for the British army. Used to penetrate the German defenses code.

In 1944 Howard Hathaway Aiken (american) makes Mark I. A computer that created the first digital count. It has a 7.45 feet wide x 50 feet, weighing 35 tons. Mark I can be used to calculate probabilities.

In 1945 Dr. John von Neumann wrote the concept of data storage. It was still in the form of ideas.

In 1946 Dr. John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, jr. completed the first large-scale computer, named ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer). The world knows these two men as the inventor of the computer.
ENIAC weighed 30 tons, consisting of 18,000 light tube (transistor size), has an area 30 feet x 50 feet, using 160,000 watts of power. The first time the computer is turned on, the entire electricity network in Philadelphia was suddenly dead.
ENIAC to calculate not only add less time for, but also can be programmed to perform a simple process. Compared to Mark I can only calculate, can be seen that the ENIAC was the world's first computer.

In 1947 the first transistor invented by William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain. Since the transistor is found, the size of computers has narrowed ..

From the history above, it can be seen that the inventor of the computer (not a calculator) is Dr. John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, jr ..

So the answer is First Computer Inventors: Dr. John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, jr ..

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ENIAC, kependekan dari Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer adalah perangkat elektronik digital pertama yang bekerja sebagai komputer. Perangkat ini selesai dibuat oleh Angkatan bersenjata Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1945 dan diumumkan ke publik di tahun 1946. Ketika itu, komputer tersebut ditujukan untuk menghitung arah dan jarak tembak rudal balistik di Perang Dunia ke II. Pemicu dibuatnya ENIAC adalah kebutuhan atas alat untuk membantu mempermudah sebuah negara ketika sedang berperang. Sama seperti inovasi lainnya, ENIAC dibangun berdasarkan tigak konsep dan teknologi yang sudah tersedia saat itu yakni “otak mekanik”, tabung hampa udara dan punch card (kertas yang berlubang di posisi tertentu yang menyimpan informasi). Ketiga teknologi itu coba digabung oleh Professor John Mauchly, seorang dosen fisika dari Ursinus College. Untuk membangun alat ini, militer AS bekerjasama dengan University of Pennsylvania. Dana sebesar 61.700 dolar disiapkan oleh angkatan bersenjata AS untuk membangun ENIAC. Sejak diputuskan untuk dibuat pada tanggal 5 Juni 1943, sebulan kemudian komputer itu mulai dibuat secara diam-diam. Project PX adalah kode nama proyek pembuatan ENIAC. Professor John Mauchly, ditemani oleh J. Presper Eckert dari University of Pennsylvania mengepalai tim pembuatan ENIAC. Anggota tim lainnya adalah Bob Shaw, Chuan Chu, Kite Sharpless, Arthur Burks, Harry Huskey, Jack Davis, dan Iredell Eachus Jr. Sampai akhirnya selesai dibuat pada tanggal 14 Februari 1946, total dana yang dihabuskan mencapai 486.804, 22 dolar AS. ENIAC yang memiliki bobot seberat 30 ton, menggunakan daya listrik sebesar 200 kilowatt, terdiri dari 19.000 tabung hampa udara, 1500 relay, serta ratusan ribu resistor, kapasitor, dan induktor. Selain untuk berperang, ENIAC juga dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi cuaca, menghitung energi atom, sinar kosmik, pengukuran suhu, penelitian angka acak, mendesain saluran udara, dan penggunaan ilmiah lainnya. ENIAC yang menjadi basis komputer masa kini tersebut juga dapat menjumlah, mengurangi, mengali, dan membagi serta dapat menyimpan hingga sebanyak 20 data 10 digit angka desimal. Perangkat penghitungan yang digunakan juga berfungsi sebagai unit penyimpanan. Komputer yang mendapat julukan “Otak Raksasa” itu mampu menghitung seribu kali lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan mesin hitung elektronik yang ada saat itu. Pada perjalanannya, ENIAC cukup rumit untuk ditangani. Sebagai contoh, ketika terjadi kerusakan pada salah satu tabung kedap udara yang terpasang di ENIAC, teknisi harus memeriksa keseluruh 19 ribu buah tabung untuk mencari tabung mana yang tidak berfungsi. Akhirnya, karena kebutuhan atas mesin hitung yang lebih cepat dan efisien makin mendesak, pada 2 Oktober 1955, ENIAC berhenti digunakan. Saat ini, empat dari total empat puluh bagian panel ENIAC disimpan di University of Pennsylvania.
Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia ke Inggris
ENIAC, short for Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer is the first digital electronic device that works as a computer. This device is completed by the United States armed forces in 1945 and made public in 1946. At that time, the computer is directed to calculate the direction and range ballistic missiles in World War II.

Triggers made ENIAC is the need for tools to help facilitate a country when at war. Just like other innovations, ENIAC was built based on tigak concepts and technologies that are already available at the time of "mechanical brains", vacuum tubes and punch cards (paper that is perforated in a certain position that store information). The three technologies that try to be merged by Professor John Mauchly, a professor of physics from Ursinus College.

To build this tool, the U.S. military in cooperation with the University of Pennsylvania. Funds amounting to 61,700 dollars provided by the U.S. armed forces to build ENIAC. Since it was decided to be made on June 5, 1943, a month later the computer began to be made secretly. PX is the code name Project project of the ENIAC.

Professor John Mauchly, accompanied by J. Presper Eckert of the University of Pennsylvania, heads the team making ENIAC. Other team members were Bob Shaw, Chuan Chu, Kite Sharpless, Arthur Burks, Harry Huskey, Jack Davis, and Iredell Eachus Jr.. Until finally completed on February 14, 1946, total funds dihabuskan reached 486 804, 22 dollars.

ENIAC which has a weight weighing 30 tons, using electric power of 200 kilowatts, consisting than 19,000 vacuum tubes, 1500 relays, and hundreds of thousands of resistors, capacitors, and inductors.

In addition to the war, ENIAC also be used to predict the weather, calculate the atomic energy, cosmic rays, temperature measurement, research, random numbers, designing the air ducts, and other scientific use.

ENIAC that became the basis of today's computers also can add, subtract, multiply, and divide and can store up to as many as 20 data 10 decimal digits. Counting device that is used also serves as a storage unit. Computers that earned the nickname "Giant Brains" was able to count a thousand times faster than the existing electronic cash registers at the time.

On his journey, ENIAC is quite complicated to handle. For example, when there is damage on one airtight tube mounted on ENIAC, the technician must examine the entire 19 thousand pieces of the tube to find where the tube is not functioning.

Finally, because the need for calculating machines faster and more efficient the more urgent, on October 2, 1955, ENIAC stop use. Currently, four of a total of forty-part ENIAC panels stored at the University of Pennsylvania.
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